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High speed flexo ink printing die cutting slotting machine

As the general consumer is not very familiar with high-speed printing machines, friends who are interested can come with us to learn about the practical operation of high-speed ink printing machines that need to be mastered!

Why do major enterprises choose to use high-speed automatic flexo printer slotter die cutter stacker machine ?

1.In order to achieve an ideal relief effect and enhance the adhesion between the polyester support film and the photosensitive resin layer, a back exposure method can be used to establish the substrate. Properly exposing the back of the polyester support film can protect the fine patterns of the printing plate during washing and prevent embossing from collapsing.

2. The first exposure should be performed immediately after the back exposure, as photosensitive activity will gradually disappear, resulting in a long exposure time and poor exposure tolerance.


automatic flexo printer die cutter slotter machine

3. After removing the guarantee layer of the resin plate, the photographic speed of the printing plate decreases rapidly. The photographic film on the printing plate should be placed immediately or within 10 minutes after the main exposure to achieve excellent results.

4. The main exposure time can be determined through the main exposure test. The photosensitive resin is insoluble after polymerization, and the printing plate can reproduce fine patterns on the film. Before the main exposure, wipe the vacuum film with your hand to make the negative film tightly adhere to it.

5. The ink printing plate is dry, otherwise it will affect the uniformity of the plate thickness. After drying, do not let the board come into contact with other objects and do not touch the surface of the board with your fingers, as there may be traces. But before applying glue, clean the spots on the surface of the plate. After bonding, residual spots left on the back of the resin plate should be cleaned. If these things are not cleaned, it will affect the uniformity of the printing plate thickness and the bonding strength of the printing plate tape.


flexo printer slotter die cutting machine

In the production of resin plates, fine lines are often washed away or the negative part of the relief is shallow, which requires a certain process to achieve the expected effect:

Use the “single back exposure” process. The corrugated box industry generally uses a flexible resin plate with a thickness of 3.94 mm. The plane depth of 1.52-2.00 mm is good, and the base layer is thin. A small part of the printed pattern cannot withstand regular exposure, so the “exposure” separation process needs to be used. Firstly, confirm the extremely fine lines and text areas of the film, and the contour model of the mask area. The back plate first contacts the substrate, and then accurately positions it on the surface of the polyester film to support it based on the film. Then, contact the area that needs to be substrate. The two back exposure times are determined based on the required substrate thickness.

Adopting the “main exposure cover” technology. If the design includes thin lines of text and images that are easy to paste, the expected effect can be achieved through the mask process, which is a UV resistant material. The film is first exposed with a shorter main exposure time to ensure depth, and then covered with a mask to expose the fine lines on the film.





If you are also interested in this machine,please don’t hesitate to contact us:

Overseas manager: Tom Wang


Phone/Wechat/Whatsapp:+86 13303078975

Post time: Jun-29-2023